Nick Chatterbox was born to Joe and Sandy Chatterbox on March 32, 1985 in the Lost City of Atlantis. He was born with a severe case of ican’ttalkitus, which makes the victim want to talk a lot more but prevents him or her from moving his / her mouth. His doctors provided a solution: they attached a motor to his mouth. Now, Nick was like all of the other kids in his school- talkative. The only problem was that his classmates were fish, and he spoke English. He was okay after he got a translator, but before that he was held back a grade three times. His mom was a sewer cleaner and his dad was a Lieutenant in the Atlantian Army. On September 12, 1997, his dad left home to fight a giant squid and never returned. Depressed, Nick and his mom left Atlantis and moved to Florida. Life in the U.S. was not easy for young Motor Mouth, as his new friends called him, because he was called a freak by most people (actually pretty much everyone, he did have a mototr connected to his mouth). His life changed on Febuary 12, 2001, when he met Mudzie TheBear. Mudzie was an ordinary stuffed bear with an extrordinary personality. Now Mudzie and Eric Pezlo, a basketball star for the Miami Heat, were thinking about making a movie / TV show for a long time. Once they convinced Motor Mouth, a hobo named DiStinko, two computer geeks named MP3 and Techno Geek, and a spy specialist named Little Man to join the Mudzie and Pezlo Report, this dream became reality. In April 2008, the Mudzie and Pezlo Report was made. Today, Motor Mouth works for Mudzie and Pezlo inc. He has been in the Mudzie and Pezlo Report and Mudzie and Pezlo ... and DiStinko.